2020/06/30 18:27:18

Shafaq news/  EU Council has officially recommended to lift travel restrictions on 15 countries when external borders reopen from July 1.

Countries to which travel is open, Includes Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, japan, morocco, new Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, North Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay, china  and Montenegro.

"Residents of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican should be considered as EU residents for the purpose of this recommendation," the EU Council said in a statement.

EU statement declaim, “ the decision was based on 3 scientific factors,first, Ensuring that Covid-19 infection rate in the country was low enough, second, there was a downward trend of cases, and third, that social distancing measures were at "a sufficient level".

its noteworthy that, On March 16, the EU imposed temporary restrictions on all unnecessary travel from third countries to the EU for a month, before the restrictions were extended.