2014-11-06 09:16:04


From the heart of the armed conflicts in Iraq and in the atmosphere of executions , blood and captivity of women and selling them into slavery in the market, there is an exciting love story between an ISIS militants and a Yazidi captive girl .

American " buuzdeed" Web site mentioned a weird story that occurred between an ISIS element and a Yazidi girl who was a part of those captured by ISIS  but "Abu Qatada" killed her till he loved her.

The American Website talks about ISIS element named "Abu Muaz al-Muhajer," who mentioned in e-mails, the details of that story that shook the leaders community in the organization, although the organization sees Yazidis as infidel people and their law provides on slaughtering their men and the captivity of their women, but Abu Qatada love this Yazidi girl who have succeeded in changing his idea.

The girl was able to win the heart of "Abu Qatada" from slaughter and murder to love and sacrifice and then escape of the lovers.

According to information cited by the US site, "Abu Qatada" was the official in charge of the distribution of Yazidi girls to fighters or sold them in the slave markets allocated by “ISIS", but the elements of the organization discovered that "Abu Qatada" liked "Irene", and treated her differently from the other girls , he gave her the best food, drink and treat her very well.

"Abu Muaz," who revealed the story added "it was a big surprise, when I wake up with the men on the organization, to discover the escape of Abu Qatada and Irene, the matter that reached the Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi who ordered to bring their head immediately “.

The search is still underway for the "lovers", many questions remain looking for answers, Is it true that love can emerge from blood and slaughter, which was founded by the extremist organization?

ISIS terrorists have managed form the abduction of hundreds of women and girls trafficked immediately to their strongholds, while survivor women reported that many of them were raped, including girls of only five years old.

ISIS organization has controlled most parts of Sinjar district (124 km west of Mosul) of the mainly Kurdish Yazidis in the third of last August, but the battles are going on its surroundings, where Kurdish forces are seeking to expel them from the area.