2019/11/05 12:45:16

Shafaq News/The President of Kurdistan region, Nechirvan Barzani said on Tuesday that there is no point in moving towards early elections in Iraq.

This took place in a press conference held today after a meeting with the President of the Republic Barham Saleh, the Speaker of the Parliament of the region, Rawaz Faeq , the Prime Minister of the region ,Masrour Barzani and leaders of political parties and forces in Kurdistan.

Barzani said in the conference that the problem was not to move towards early elections in Iraq, even if the elections were held tomorrow, this will not change the reality, who are currently are the same who will come and lead the political scene again.

He stressed that the most important of holding elections is to hold explicit meetings among the parties and political forces in Iraq to diagnose problems and find solutions to them, noting that any quick decision now will affect the situation and drag them to the worst.