2014-06-11 11:03:59

, announcing  that it will send 300 rockets , type Hellfire , millions of light and medium weapons and a number of helicopters to confront "terrorism” soon.

The statement, which was followed by “Shafaq News", quoted the White House spokesman , Josh Earnest demanding all Iraqi leaders, including al-Maliki to try to find solutions to the outstanding problems and to respond to the demands of the people. "

He added that Washington will continue its relation with the Iraqi government and supply them with assistance, but he also said that it is the duty of the Iraqi leaders to find a solution themselves.

 He revealed U.S. military aid, which is due to arrive in Iraq soon, adding that the aid includes 300 Hellfire missile from the millions of small arms and thousands of heavy weapons and helicopters, as well as grenades and automatic rifle type 16m.

Earnest also announced that the U.S. will continue to assist Iraq in its fight against "terrorism", adding that Iraqi government should not bear all the responsibility of the problems.

He pointed out that all politicians including Maliki are responsible , refusing to talk about the capabilities of the Iraqi army and commented that "this is not my business."


Iraq has witnessed a remarkable deterioration in security after militants of so-called Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant "Daash", controlled Mosul , the center of Nineveh province and the second largest city in Iraq after Baghdad as well as controlling a number of districts and areas in the provinces of Salahuddin and Kirkuk.