2020/02/27 06:13:58

Shafaq News / An official medical source in Najaf city said on Thursday that two colleagues of the Iranian religious sciences student, Suhail Amiri who had been confirmed with the emerging corona virus, had undergone a medical examination and the results showed their safety.

The source told Shafaq News, that two colleagues who were in contact with Al-Amiri, students of religious sciences in Najaf, one of them an Iraqi and the other an Iranian, were subjected to a medical test samples of them were sent to the laboratory center in the capital Baghdad.

The source added that the results of laboratory tests for the two cases that were sent to the laboratory yesterday appeared negative, which means that they are not carriers of the virus.

A fellow cleric of Al-Amiri had turned himself in to health authorities in Al-Muthanna Governorate, and he was subjected to laboratory tests and found not to carry the virus.

On Monday, the Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment confirmed that the first case of corona virus was registered by an Iranian religious science student in Najaf.

So, the number of new Corona virus infection has reached 6 cases in Iraq after the first infection of an Iranian religious science student was recorded in Najaf, and four cases of an Iraqi family in Kirkuk returning from Iran.

For his part, Director General of Baghdad Health Department of Al-Karkh Jasb Al-Hijami reported other details about the condition of the infected young man, saying that he had traveled from Iran then to Turkey and returned to Iraq went to Al-Karkh General Hospital and underwent laboratory tests and found that he was infected with Corona virus.

Jasb said in a statement that he had promised to deal with all transparency with the infection of Coronavirus, and announced that the patient was referred to Al-Furat General Hospital for quarantine  and it was later revealed that the results of laboratory tests are positive and he is now in good health.

More than 40 countries and regions outside the Chinese mainland reported Corona infections, and cases were detected in Brazil, Pakistan, Norway, Greece, Romania and Algeria on Wednesday, for the first time.

It is noteworthy that the new Corona virus, "Covid-19", first appeared in late December 2019 in Wuhan in a wild animal market, then spread quickly with a massive movement of citizens to spend the Lunar New Year holiday in January

The World Health Organization previously classified an "emerging corona virus" that emerged in China as an epidemic, and declared a "health emergency with an international dimension."