2014-03-12 09:57:29


“We renew our call for friends to combat the dangers of strife which we believe it will burn all our countries ,” Maliki said in his speech in Anti -terrorism conference in Baghdad, attended by " Shafaq News”.

Maliki said that " the state that supports terrorism, hold the responsibility for violence faced by our countries "

After referring to murders that have taken place in Algeria, Egypt driven by sectarianism in past years, he said that Syria has turned into the biggest arena for terrorism as its impact has moved to Iraq .

He noted that the destruction storm will blow on all countries in the region even Europe and the countries of the world.

2Maliki has demanded the international community in cooperation with the countries of the region to take punitive measures to combat terrorism.

He summed up other demands by points:

1 - Urge the countries in which terrorism come from them to take firm action against terrorists and the remaining cells.

2 - Diagnosis and close media that motivate violence.

3 – Stop the financial sources of terrorism.

4 - Mutual cooperation and besiege extremist and incitements bases.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has also accused some countries in the region of inciting to target Shiite Muslims and people of the Christian community.

"We are sorry that some countries have turned some of its institutions to   places of terrorism and assemble money.”

Maliki added “some countries in the region are trying to delude others that what is happening in Iraq is a war between Sunni and Shia and that al-Qaeda killing for Christians and Shiites is on behalf of the Sunnis.”