2014-01-08 10:32:22


Maliki said "I call on the sons of Fallujah to stand with the security forces."

“We will not use force as long as the tribes are fighting al-Qaeda and the army is ready to do so present it,” he added.

Nuri al-Maliki also called political parties and forces which did not announce its position yet after the operations conducted by the security forces of the army and police against armed groups in western Iraq by supporting it , and join what he called as the " jihadist fight " against " terrorism."

“I call on those who stopped fighting terrorism to join up the jihadist battle waged by the military forces against al-Qaeda ," calling " who joined the terrorist to return to their senses and open a new page , and get out of the this crisis, which they have put themselves in ,” Maliki said in his weekly televised speech , briefed by “Shafaq News”.

Maliki added that " al-Qaeda and its formations want to starve the people of Anbar by targeting all joints of life ," noting that " this demonstrates the legitimacy of the war, which we have engaged in and won so far and what Daash talks about its return to the areas they used to be in is the dream of devil, and if they returned they will be dead bodies " .

Maliki pointed out that those groups “want to delay the next legislative elections that cannot be delayed for even one day as the government is ready to hold them and there is no shortage ."

He called on all political parties to be open and the dialogue to be the way of victory on al-Qaeda.