2014-01-28 09:24:12

, and said that it is likely that the meeting was canceled due to disagreements over the powers of the parliament.

“The Parliament Speaker has authorized the Legal Committee to discuss the contentious issues over the parliament and find an agreed formula for everyone,” The MP of state law coalition, Ali al-Alaq told “Shafaq News”.

The Parliament Speaker, Osama al-Nujaifi said at a news conference attended by “Shafaq News " yesterday , that the parliament will include soon the Federal Civil Service council's Law in the agenda of the parliament .

The United Nations has called on Iraq, earlier to establish the Federal Civil Service council to complete the constitutional system in the country, review laws and contribute to enhance decision-making processes to be synonymous with the parliament


Federal Civil Service council undertakes the administers public jobs in the state, and their equitable distribution among the graduates, away from the cronyism, but based on the basis of efficiency and certificate .