2020-07-23 15:32:54

Shafaq News / Iraq registered, on Wednesday, 80 fatalities in the past 24 hours.

The Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment said in a statement that, 16947 tests were performed today,

The newly2258 recovery cases were distributed as follows:

Baghdad / Al-Rusafa 305, Baghdad / Al-Karkh 318, Medical City 128, Najaf 119, Al-Sulaymaniyah 39, Erbil 96, Duhok 8,  Karbala 90, Kirkuk 126, Diyala 75, Wasit 193, Babel 184, Basra 237, Maysan 86, Al-Diwaniyah 55, Dhi Qar 76, Al-Anbar 4, Muthanna 71, Saladin 28, and Nineveh 20 .


The statement indicated that the cases that are diagnosed amounted to 2361 cases, distributed as follows:

Baghdad/ Al-Rusafa 465, Baghdad/ Al-Karkh 376,Medica city 61,  Najaf 67, Al-Sulaymaniyah 130, Erbil 69, Duhok 11, Kirkuk 132, Karbala 176, Diyala 33, Wasit 158,  Basra 192, Maysan 54, Babel 154, Dhi Qar 43, Al-Diwaniyah 92, Al-Anbar 17, Muthanna 72, Nineveh 28, and Saladin 31.


While 80 mortality cases were registered, as follows:

Baghdad/ Al-Rusafa 12, Baghdad/ Al-Karkh 8, Medical city 2, Najaf 1,  Al-Sulaymaniyah 8, Erbil 4, Karbala 9, Kirkuk 5, Basra 5, Wasit 2,Maysan 2, Babel 2, Dhi Qar 3, Nineveh 4, Muthanna 2, Al-Diwaniyah 8, Al-Anbar 1, and Saladin 2.


Since the beginning of the outbreak, the total number of:

  • Confirmed cases: 102226.
  • Recoveries 69405 (68% of the cases).
  • Fatalities: 4122.