2020-07-06 17:30:57

Shafaq News / The Turkish Ministry of External Affairs said, on Monday, that "Ankara is determined to take the necessary measures of Self-defense under international law, against the destructive operations coming from Iraq, which threaten its borders and security."

TRT quoted the spokesman of the ministry as saying, "Ankara offered the official explanations about the two operations against PKK in northern Iraq".

"We reiterate our readiness to cooperate with Iraq in the fight against the” terrorist organization” that threatens its security and sovereignty", he added.

The spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Al-Sahaf, confirmed that his country have several leverages to respond to the Turkish "attacks", the most important of which was the economic one.

Al-Sahaf said, in a press interview, “tens of Turkish economic and investment companies exist in Iraq, and Iraq also has a balance of trade exchange with Turkey that exceeds 16 billion dollars a year”
“There is a possibility that Iraq will invite the UN Security Council to an emergency session about this matter, as well as inviting the Arab League on the foreign ministries level, or the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and others," He added.

Baghdad also recently summoned the Turkish ambassador to Iraq twice and handed him two protest notes against Turkish operations.

It’s noteworthy that, in June, Turkey announced the launch of “Claw tiger " and “Claw- eagle” operations in Duhok governorate, targeting PKK fighters.

On June 17, Turkey announced the launch of Operation "Tiger Claw" in Haftinin, Dohuk Governorate, in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, two days after the launch of Operation "Eagle Claw", because it says Ankara that members of the "Kurdistan Workers Party" are launching attacks at home Turkish from Iraqi territory.