2013-08-18 09:32:35


“We will distribute fuel at all stations, without exception and the price will be 480 Iraqi dinars to be sold to citizens at 500 dinars per liter and cancel the card,” The Minister of Natural Resources of Kurdistan, Ashti Hawrami said in a press conference with the Governor of Erbil , Nawzad Hadi attended by "Shafaq News”.

"Our goal is to improve quality because through our study, it appeared that some of the owners of petrol stations sell poor quality fuel to citizens on the basis that it is good quality while it was really bad quality”.

The minister noted that "the need for the region is to fuel is between 5 to 6 million liters and we are able to provide this amount”.

For his part, Governor of Erbil , Nawzad Hadi announced that “ the decision will come into force in Erbil on the 25th of August, to be applied throughout the region in the coming weeks”.

“This decision was taken in coordination with the federal government to provide the required quantity in cooperation with Kurdistan refineries in each of Erbil and Sulaymaniyah,” He added.

Kurdistan Regional Government has recently decided to allow to import fuel in free way, on condition to check the imported fuel by a special committee of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the directorates of fuel distribution in Kurdistan, in order to prevent the import of bad fuel and increase fuel storages in the fuel stations to be distributed to locals.