2014-12-07 10:02:39


It is noteworthy that the oil agreement, reached by the Iraqi federal government and Kurdistan Regional Government, which aims to solve the export of crude oil crisis under the supervision of the Iraqi government, open the doors to the Ministry of Oil to achieve an unprecedented raise of the energies crude oil export up to 3.3 million barrels per day for the first time in the history of Iraq since 1979, where the export rate was 3.244 million barrels per day.

Under the new agreement , the Iraqi government delegation led by Prime Minister , Haider al-Abadi and a delegation of Kurdistan Region, headed by Nechirvan Barzani and the presence of senior officials , the Kurdistan government and Iraqi government reached an agreement as will deliver the Iraqi government with 250 thousand barrels per day of production of oil fields for export under the supervision of Iraqi Crude Oil Marketing Company (SOMO ), as well as allowing the export of 300 thousand barrels of Kirkuk fields through the oil export pipeline through the territory of Kurdistan to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, to end the oil crisis and secure the resources of the public budget for next year.