2014-08-13 08:31:29


The increase in Iraqi crude exports despite the fighting in the north of the country might influence on global oil prices. As traded Brent is under $ 103 a barrel, near the lowest price in 13 months under the weight of an abundant supply.

This increase in the supply of Basra Light crude may affect the prices of raw materials the Middle East, which faces stiff competition from crudes in Africa and Latin America that are sold at lower prices.

The spot market for Basra Light crude is calm in Asia two months ago to fears of supply disruptions after the outbreak of the conflict in northern Iraq.

According to the preliminary program , Iraq intends to export 71.895 million barrels of Basra Light crude in September, 21 million barrels of Chinese buyers.

The program of Iraq's exports in August was 2.225 million barrels per day, down sharply from the initial program for July, which amounted to about 2.8 million barrels per day.

The initial programs don’t match usually with actual downloads due to weather conditions and maintenance work that may lead to the deportation of some exports to the next month.