2013-11-16 08:57:07


The statement issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity during the visit of Minister , Karim Aftan al-Jumaili to Tehran last week and his meeting with Iranian Energy Minister , Majid Namjo and Oil Minister , Bijan Namdar Zankh where the latter pledged that his ministry will start processing gas through a private pipeline by Mansuriyya , Sader and Jerusalem stations with gas fuel, which will hopefully process it with 25 million cubic meters of gas per day , after the Iraqi side to complete working in the line inside Iraq early next year.

The Iraqi Ministry of Electricity has concluded last July , a contract considered the first of its kind with the Iranian Oil Ministry for processing natural gas worth $ 365 million for a period of four years, subjected to renewal.

The Ministry of Electricity has announced last year that it has signed a contract with the Iranian side to import more than one million cubic meters of gas per day to feed four productive stations .