2013-10-22 09:31:25


The official of the company, Tony Howard said in an interview with (oil price) site, briefed by "Shafaq News" that “Kurdistan Region enjoys sovereignty, security and stability with steady progress in the oil sector in the middle of a volatile region of the world as the terrorist attack that took place in the capital Erbil late last September will not affect in any form on the process of production and investment in the region”.

“We will soon be finished from establishing an oil pipe between Kurdistan Region and Turkey and this is the beginning of a very important phase in the petroleum industry in the region as there is a close relationship between it and Turkey today which will help in the development of the oil and gas sector significantly."

“An important agreement in the field of energy took place between the Governments of Kurdistan Region and Turkey last March and we have noted already practical implementation of its provisions, for example, crude oil is being sent from the region to world markets via Turkey by car trucks”.

“A global company in the field of energy of the Turkish state is operating in the region in the field of oil investment , it is expected to be signing a special agreement to sell natural gas between Erbil and Ankara before the end of the current year as that would ensure sending gas from the region to Turkey."

“Kurdistan Region is a very rich area in natural resources and that Kurdistan Government is now in the process of recovery and development of the oil sector and has already created markets for marketing its exports of oil and gas to it,” Howard added.

Howard predicted that “oil exports would reach to 300 thousand barrels per day with increasing quantities”.

“The mentioned oil pipe would serve Kurdistan Region and its political position because the region will then export oil to the world markets and the revenues of these exports will be the benefit of all Iraqis “.

Howard conclude by saying, “ The quantities of oil that are being exported from Taq Taq fields by some vehicles is ( 30 - 40 ) thousand barrels per day to Mersin port on the shores of the Mediterranean and is being marketed to the world”.

It seems that Kurdistan region is moving towards economic independence from Baghdad after oil industry sources said that the first shipment of crude oil from Kurdistan had been sold in the international market to a German company.

Pumping oil from Taq Taq field operated by Genel Energy took place by trucks across Ibrahim Khalil border crossing with Turkey and the sale by auction for shipping in April.