2013-10-23 11:52:12


Suicide bombers had attacked late last month, the General Security Directorate building in Erbil by car bombs and explosive belts which led to the death of seven members of the Security elements.

The governor of Sulaymaniyah, Behrouz Mohammed Saleh said during a meeting with a number of Kurdish traders and investors that Erbil’s bombings affected in one way or another some of the projects in which the province had signed contracts with foreign companies operating in the province.

The governor said in a statement received by “Shafaq News “ that “ the British company announced retreating from its agreement which had been concluded with the province regarding the construction of 19 bridges in Sulaymaniyah city after the British government warned on the need to stop work of the company after the bombings .

Kurdistan is considered one of the most secure areas in Iraq, as the attack which occurred last month is the first of its kind in six years, and observers attributed the reasons to the lax of security services in performing its duties.